MIT Technology Review

A 120-year-old magazine changes for this century


MIT Technology Review needed new practices to expand their readership and attract a younger audience.


New media can engage a new audience on potentially wonky scientific concepts.


In a two-year process, Grey Horse focused on digital strategy and consulting, audience engagement, and design and content production. It produced workshops to train staffers in social media tools, put on exclusive events selling the MIT Technology Review brand, and created viral videos explaining CRISPR.


Digital Strategy
Event Production
Audience Engagement
Web Development
Business Strategy
Content Production
Audio Production

More  Case Studies

Wagyu Dinner

Showing off the best of Japan to New York City


The art of creating buzz


A burgeoning sustainable travel start-up needed Grey Horse to share their story for partnerships and growth.

Yes We Mustard

With Grey Horse’s influence, comedian and writer Ginny Hogan parlayed her fiction podcast debut, Yes We Mustard, into raising her profile amongst industry tastemakers.

TED Countdown

Convincing people who normally don’t care about climate change … to care

Plan C

In a post-Dobbs world, empowering a digital campaign to keep women informed about options for their reproductive rights.